Wednesday, August 7, 2013

26 Weeks

* Isn't this the best shirt ever?! It's supposed to keep strangers from touching the belly bump! I love it!

Baby is the size of: a head of lettuce.
How I'm feeling: Tired! It's getting a little harder to find the energy to do anything some days. I just try to remember to take it slow and not do too many things in one day.
Sleeping: Still waking up for an hour or two in the middle of the night every night. This might be the reason I'm so tired lately.
Craving: Soda! Which is weird because I don't even really like soda.
Missing: Not having to clip my fingernails once a week. They're growing like crazy! I used to file them once every 2-3 weeks but I never had to clip them. Now I literally have to clip them once a week.
Maternity clothes: I love love love the shirt I'm wearing in this picture! My friend Kristen came to town this weekend and gave it to me. I mentioned months ago that I'd seen it online somewhere and she remembered and ordered it for me!
Wedding ring: Some days I can get it on but some days it's just too tight.
Movement: She moves so much! Sometimes I just lay still and watch my belly shake. The other night Anthony had his head on my stomach and he was talking to her when out of nowhere she started "kicking" him in the face. It was pretty cute!
Showing: Yes!
Signs of labor: No.
Best moment this week: Seeing Kristen and all the stuff she brought over for us! 

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