Tuesday, July 30, 2013

25 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a head of cauliflower.
How I'm feeling: Still have some lower back pain and foot pain but other than that I feel amazing!
Sleeping: For some reason I started waking up for 2-3 hours in the middle of the night this past week. It's really annoying!
Craving: I really wanted a milkshake earlier this week and I still haven't had one! But like I said, I've always had a sweet tooth.
Missing: Nothing! I'm actually really enjoying being pregnant right now.
Maternity clothes: Dresses like this green one (not maternity) have been extra comfy lately. I kind of wish I had invested in 20 of these at the beginning of my pregnancy.
Wedding ring: Still too nervous to try to put it back on my finger so I'm wearing it on a necklace.
Movement: Baby girl is a mover and a shaker! I feel her at all hours of the day. She had my whole belly moving this morning when I first woke up. 
Showing: I would say definitely!
Signs of labor: No.
Looking forward to: Getting her nursery set up! This weekend we're going to start turning the guest room into the nursery. I'm so excited!

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