Wednesday, July 24, 2013

24 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a canteloupe.
How I'm feeling: I had one day of nausea this week but other than that I'm feeling pretty fantastic!
Sleeping: I still wish I could sleep on my stomach but I'm sleeping a lot better lately.
Craving: If I had to pick something I would probably say I'm craving sweets but anyone who knows me knows that I have always had a sweet tooth. Still waiting on those crazy pregnancy cravings!
Missing: Sometimes I miss the social aspect of not being pregnant. I can't really go out with my friends because who wants to be the pregnant girl at the bar? Not me.
Maternity clothes: Surprisingly I still fit in a few pieces of my regular clothes but not many.
Wedding ring: Now lives on a chain around my neck. It got stuck on my finger one day this week and now I'm too scared to try to put it back on.
Movement: I'm starting to notice her sleep cycles. I can tell what times of the day she's awake because she moves around A LOT!
Showing: Yes! I think I look pretty big but my doctor said I'm exactly where I should be.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Making onesies with my friend Amanda (who is also pregnant) hopefully sometime this weekend!

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