Friday, July 5, 2013

21 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a pomegranate.
How I'm feeling: My feet hurt! It probably doesn't help that I basically live in sandals which offer NO support, but if I'm on my feet for any extended amount of time (work, shopping....) I want to cry by the time bedtime rolls around. I guess it's time to start asking the hubby for a foot rub!
Sleeping: The baby moves around a lot between 6 and 8 AM so I've been waking up a bit earlier this week which means I'm ready for a nap by early afternoon. But I don't mind.
Craving: Still no real cravings but I was pretty darn hungry this week. I guess our little baby girl is really growing!
Missing: Having energy! 
Maternity clothes: They've been my friend for a few weeks now and there's no way of going back until November.
Wedding ring: Getting a bit tight.
Movement: I feel her move everyday! Usually really early in the morning or late at night. I was laying on the couch one night this week and the whole right side of my belly shook. I told Anthony to come put his hand on my belly and he felt her! That was a really special moment.
Showing: Definitely!
Signs of labor: Not yet.
Best moment of the week: There were so many.....finding out we were having a girl, Anthony telling me I was gonna be a great mommy whether we were having a girl or a boy, mom taking me shopping for PINK, my work friends bringing me PINK cupcakes and PINK balloons, registering for baby stuff..... It was a really happy week!

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