Thursday, July 18, 2013

23 Weeks

Baby is the size of : a grapefruit.
How I'm feeling: Except for some foot and lower back pain, I'm feeling pretty good. I do wish I had a little more energy but that's nothing new!
Sleeping: Like a baby :)
Craving: I feel kind of cheated because I haven't really had any cravings yet. 
Missing: There are some days when I could definitely use multiple caffeinated beverages!
Maternity clothes: The last couple times I've actually bought clothes I've picked non-maternity clothes that will still fit over a growing belly. (Like the red dress I'm wearing in this picture.) Otherwise, I'm pretty much wearing only maternity clothes with just a few exceptions.
Wedding ring: I probably shouldn't be wearing it anymore because it's leaving an indent on my finger when I take it off, but I hate the thought of not wearing my wedding ring. I might try to find a necklace to hang my ring from so I can at least wear it around my neck.
Movement: Although I can feel her moving pretty much at all times of the day, I still feel her mostly when I'm sitting still. Someone told me that the reason babies move around less while mommy is moving around is because a mother's movement feels like rocking. I'm basically rocking her to sleep while I'm moving around so she's more likely to be awake while I'm sitting still!
Showing: I would say yes, I'm definitely showing. But the other day at work, some people were surprised to find out I was pregnant! They said they couldn't tell by looking at me! Really?!
Signs of labor: Nope.
Best moment this week: I started making something for her nursery! I'll post pictures when I'm done!

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