Thursday, June 6, 2013

16 Weeks

*Sorry this post is a little late. My camera wouldn't cooperate when I was trying to upload these photos.

Baby is the size of: an avocado.
How I'm feeling: A little nervous about heading to Baltimore. Being pregnant has made me a little more nervous about EVERYTHING but I'm especially nervous to fly. I'm not sure why.... maybe it's because I don't like flying in general and being pregnant just adds to the nervousness. Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty darn good!
Sleeping: Still finding it difficult to get comfortable but at least I'm not waking up every hour!
Craving: Nothing really....
Missing: Having clear skin! Even as a teenager, I've always had clear skin. Well pregnancy has definitely changed that!
Maternity clothes: I still have a few items of regular clothing that fit me but maternity clothes are way more comfortable! 
Wedding ring: Haven't had a problem with any kind of swelling so it still fits.
Movement: Still waiting to feel that little baby move around.
Showing: I think at this point it's becoming a little more obvious that it's a baby bump.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Best moment this week: I loved being able to spend the entire Memorial Day weekend with my family! Anthony isn't always home on holidays and I really love it when he is! We went to a BBQ at Aunt Kel's house on Saturday where Anthony and I each won a game of Left, Right, Center. We ended up winning almost $100! We spent Sunday at the beach. It was a really beautiful day out and I didn't get a sunburn which is always a good thing.

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