Thursday, June 13, 2013

18 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a sweet potato.
How I'm feeling: There are a few things that nobody tells you about pregnancy. For example, nobody told me that I might start snoring and experiencing nose bleeds due to congested nasal passages. What the heck?! Oh well! If that's all I'm dealing with then I guess I'm doing pretty well.
Sleeping: Not so good this week. I had some pain in my lower back that made it difficult to get comfortable before falling asleep. 
Craving: Nothing I can't live without. 
Missing: Nothing right now.
Maternity clothes: At first, I was really against wearing maternity clothes for the reasons I listed last week. But I've noticed that having only a few options in my closet has made it a lot easier to get dressed everyday. I'm loving wearing maternity clothes!
Wedding ring: Still fits perfectly!
Movement: It finally happened! I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I noticed what felt like a little goldfish swimming around in my belly! It only lasted a few seconds but it was the coolest/weirdest thing I've ever felt!
Showing: Definitely! 
Signs of labor: Not yet.
Looking forward to: Anthony coming home tomorrow! He's been in Virginia for the past week and I miss him! He'll be home for less than 24 hours before he goes back on duty for 3 days but I'm still glad I'll get to spend part of the day with him tomorrow.

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