Sunday, June 9, 2013

17 Weeks

Baby is the size of: an onion.
How I'm feeling: It's so crazy how much better I feel now compared to the first few weeks of my pregnancy! The nausea is completely gone and I've got a lot more energy! Thank goodness!
Sleeping: Even my sleeping has improved! I fall asleep pretty quickly and stay asleep most of the night.  
Craving: I still haven't really had any cravings but I'm definitely getting hungry more often.
Missing: I'll just say it.....I miss beer! We went to an Orioles game on Sunday and I was just a little jealous of everyone that was able to drink a cold beer.
Maternity clothes: At first I tried to avoid buying maternity clothes because they're pretty expensive, kinda boring, and you can only wear them for a few months. But I have to admit that they are so comfortable! I try to only buy them when they're on sale and I make sure that they can be used throughout my entire pregnancy.
Wedding ring: My hands started to swell a bit the other day and I couldn't get my wedding ring off but I'm pretty sure it was just because I had been in the sun for a few hours. Otherwise, it still fits.
Movement: Still waiting on those little flutters.
Showing: Definitely! There's no denying it! I have a baby bump!
Signs of labor: Nope.
Best moment this week: Finding out the results of the blood test I had last week. Everything is negative! This means that baby Kniffin doesn't have Down Syndrome or any kind of neural tube defect  such as Spina Bifida. 

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