Thursday, June 27, 2013

20 Weeks ~ Half way there!

Baby is the size of: a banana.
How I'm feeling: I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Just knowing that my pregnancy is already half way over is making me think of all the things that still have to be done.... pick a name, register, plan a shower, get the nursery ready... 
Sleeping: I've been having some more back pain the past few days which makes it really hard to get comfortable at night. It usually takes me a while to fall asleep.
Craving: Still not craving anything but I've definitely noticed that I get hungry more often.
Missing: Being able to shop for regular clothes. There are some really cute shorts on sale at Old Navy but of course they're not offered in maternity.
Maternity clothes: Pretty much all I'm wearing these days.
Wedding ring: Just a little tight. Not too bad.
Movement: I feel him/her move everyday. I've noticed it a lot when I'm trying to fall asleep and when I first wake up in the morning.
Showing: I think the baby bump doubled in size in a matter of a few days!
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Friday! We FINALLY get to find out the sex of the baby! I'm beyond excited!

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