Friday, June 21, 2013

19 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a mango.
How I'm feeling: I got to work on Monday and felt really sick. I had some stomach pains and I felt a little short of breath. Luckily, one of the girls I work with just had a baby in November and assured me that everything I was feeling was normal. She brought me some water and told me to sit down for a few minutes. She was right! It only took about 15 minutes and I felt much better! Other than that, I've been a little tired but I had a really good week.
Sleeping: Still finding it difficult to get comfortable at night. 
Craving: Still nothing. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something specific but I was like that before I was pregnant so I wouldn't really call it a craving.
Missing: Sleeping on my stomach.
Maternity clothes: I still fit in some of my regular skirts and shirts but I only fit in maternity shorts and pants.
Wedding ring: Still fits. Some days it feels a little tight but I think that's just from the heat.
Movement: I can feel the baby move a couple times a day. Right now it feels like he or she is doing backflips in there! 
Showing: Yes!
Signs of labor: Nope.
Best moment this week: Carter was blowing me lots of kisses the other day. I thanked him and he said "Those were for your baby!" He and Sydney are going to be the best cousins. They already show love for the baby!

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