Thursday, June 27, 2013

20 Weeks ~ Half way there!

Baby is the size of: a banana.
How I'm feeling: I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Just knowing that my pregnancy is already half way over is making me think of all the things that still have to be done.... pick a name, register, plan a shower, get the nursery ready... 
Sleeping: I've been having some more back pain the past few days which makes it really hard to get comfortable at night. It usually takes me a while to fall asleep.
Craving: Still not craving anything but I've definitely noticed that I get hungry more often.
Missing: Being able to shop for regular clothes. There are some really cute shorts on sale at Old Navy but of course they're not offered in maternity.
Maternity clothes: Pretty much all I'm wearing these days.
Wedding ring: Just a little tight. Not too bad.
Movement: I feel him/her move everyday. I've noticed it a lot when I'm trying to fall asleep and when I first wake up in the morning.
Showing: I think the baby bump doubled in size in a matter of a few days!
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound on Friday! We FINALLY get to find out the sex of the baby! I'm beyond excited!

Friday, June 21, 2013

19 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a mango.
How I'm feeling: I got to work on Monday and felt really sick. I had some stomach pains and I felt a little short of breath. Luckily, one of the girls I work with just had a baby in November and assured me that everything I was feeling was normal. She brought me some water and told me to sit down for a few minutes. She was right! It only took about 15 minutes and I felt much better! Other than that, I've been a little tired but I had a really good week.
Sleeping: Still finding it difficult to get comfortable at night. 
Craving: Still nothing. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something specific but I was like that before I was pregnant so I wouldn't really call it a craving.
Missing: Sleeping on my stomach.
Maternity clothes: I still fit in some of my regular skirts and shirts but I only fit in maternity shorts and pants.
Wedding ring: Still fits. Some days it feels a little tight but I think that's just from the heat.
Movement: I can feel the baby move a couple times a day. Right now it feels like he or she is doing backflips in there! 
Showing: Yes!
Signs of labor: Nope.
Best moment this week: Carter was blowing me lots of kisses the other day. I thanked him and he said "Those were for your baby!" He and Sydney are going to be the best cousins. They already show love for the baby!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

18 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a sweet potato.
How I'm feeling: There are a few things that nobody tells you about pregnancy. For example, nobody told me that I might start snoring and experiencing nose bleeds due to congested nasal passages. What the heck?! Oh well! If that's all I'm dealing with then I guess I'm doing pretty well.
Sleeping: Not so good this week. I had some pain in my lower back that made it difficult to get comfortable before falling asleep. 
Craving: Nothing I can't live without. 
Missing: Nothing right now.
Maternity clothes: At first, I was really against wearing maternity clothes for the reasons I listed last week. But I've noticed that having only a few options in my closet has made it a lot easier to get dressed everyday. I'm loving wearing maternity clothes!
Wedding ring: Still fits perfectly!
Movement: It finally happened! I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I noticed what felt like a little goldfish swimming around in my belly! It only lasted a few seconds but it was the coolest/weirdest thing I've ever felt!
Showing: Definitely! 
Signs of labor: Not yet.
Looking forward to: Anthony coming home tomorrow! He's been in Virginia for the past week and I miss him! He'll be home for less than 24 hours before he goes back on duty for 3 days but I'm still glad I'll get to spend part of the day with him tomorrow.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

17 Weeks

Baby is the size of: an onion.
How I'm feeling: It's so crazy how much better I feel now compared to the first few weeks of my pregnancy! The nausea is completely gone and I've got a lot more energy! Thank goodness!
Sleeping: Even my sleeping has improved! I fall asleep pretty quickly and stay asleep most of the night.  
Craving: I still haven't really had any cravings but I'm definitely getting hungry more often.
Missing: I'll just say it.....I miss beer! We went to an Orioles game on Sunday and I was just a little jealous of everyone that was able to drink a cold beer.
Maternity clothes: At first I tried to avoid buying maternity clothes because they're pretty expensive, kinda boring, and you can only wear them for a few months. But I have to admit that they are so comfortable! I try to only buy them when they're on sale and I make sure that they can be used throughout my entire pregnancy.
Wedding ring: My hands started to swell a bit the other day and I couldn't get my wedding ring off but I'm pretty sure it was just because I had been in the sun for a few hours. Otherwise, it still fits.
Movement: Still waiting on those little flutters.
Showing: Definitely! There's no denying it! I have a baby bump!
Signs of labor: Nope.
Best moment this week: Finding out the results of the blood test I had last week. Everything is negative! This means that baby Kniffin doesn't have Down Syndrome or any kind of neural tube defect  such as Spina Bifida. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

16 Weeks

*Sorry this post is a little late. My camera wouldn't cooperate when I was trying to upload these photos.

Baby is the size of: an avocado.
How I'm feeling: A little nervous about heading to Baltimore. Being pregnant has made me a little more nervous about EVERYTHING but I'm especially nervous to fly. I'm not sure why.... maybe it's because I don't like flying in general and being pregnant just adds to the nervousness. Otherwise, I'm feeling pretty darn good!
Sleeping: Still finding it difficult to get comfortable but at least I'm not waking up every hour!
Craving: Nothing really....
Missing: Having clear skin! Even as a teenager, I've always had clear skin. Well pregnancy has definitely changed that!
Maternity clothes: I still have a few items of regular clothing that fit me but maternity clothes are way more comfortable! 
Wedding ring: Haven't had a problem with any kind of swelling so it still fits.
Movement: Still waiting to feel that little baby move around.
Showing: I think at this point it's becoming a little more obvious that it's a baby bump.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Best moment this week: I loved being able to spend the entire Memorial Day weekend with my family! Anthony isn't always home on holidays and I really love it when he is! We went to a BBQ at Aunt Kel's house on Saturday where Anthony and I each won a game of Left, Right, Center. We ended up winning almost $100! We spent Sunday at the beach. It was a really beautiful day out and I didn't get a sunburn which is always a good thing.