Friday, September 6, 2013

30 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a cucumber.
How I'm feeling: I'm feeling great! Had lots of energy this week! (You can't tell by this picture though, I look VERY sleepy!)
Sleeping: It still takes a while for me to get comfortable but I haven't been waking up in the middle of the night as much.
Craving: Still craving sweets but nothing crazy.
Missing: Nothing!
Maternity clothes: Getting kind of bored with all my maternity clothes but I don't feel like spending money on clothes this late in my pregnancy.
Wedding ring: Still fits some days and doesn't fit other days.
Movement: She's starting to move around a lot more during the day. I think I'll miss feeling her move when this is all over.
Showing: Definitely!
Signs of labor: Nothing yet!
Looking forward to: There's lots to look forward to this week! We're doing a 3D/4D ultrasound, touring the hospital, and Amanda's baby shower is this weekend!

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