Wednesday, September 11, 2013

31 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a pineapple.
How I'm feeling: It's starting to feel real! After doing the 3D/4D ultrasound and the hospital tour last week I'm beginning to really feel like the end is near. I'm nervous but sooooooo excited to meet our little girl!
Sleeping: It's so hard to get comfortable! She moves around so much when I'm trying to fall asleep and it makes me feel like I'm squishing her. 
Craving: Pumpkin flavored everything! I had some pumpkin pancakes the other day and I've been thinking about them for the past few days.
Missing: Nothing, other than being able to fall asleep.
Maternity clothes: I really want to find a couple inexpensive dresses that can go from hot weather to cooler weather. Even though it will probably still be 80+ degrees in November!
Wedding ring: I haven't tried to put it on my finger the past few days, I just wear it around my neck.
Movement: So much movement! 
Showing: I think my belly is getting bigger by the hour!
Signs of labor: Not yet. Just a little cramping.
Best moment this week: There were so many amazing moments this week. I loved getting to see her cute little face when we did the ultrasound. I'm also really glad we did the hospital tour because it made me feel a little more prepared. Amanda's baby shower was also this past weekend. I'm so lucky that she's going through this at the same time I am. I don't know what I would do if I was doing this alone.

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