Thursday, September 19, 2013

32 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a squash.
How I'm feeling: My only complaint right now (other than no sleep) is that my feet are sooooooo swollen! Check out my cankles and pudgy feet! You can see the imprint of the sandals I had just taken off.
Sleeping: Ugh! I don't even want to talk about it!
Craving: Milkshakes and smoothies! My blender is getting a workout this week.
Missing: My shoes fitting! I can pretty much only wear sandals and even those are getting tight.
Maternity clothes: I got a new pair of shorts but only because they were $7 and this black dress which was on clearance too.
Wedding ring: I put it on Saturday and it got really stuck! Judging by how swollen my feet are I should probably just stop attempting to wear my wedding ring.
Movement: I saw an elbow or a foot or something move across my stomach a few mornings ago! It was by far the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
Showing: Oh yes! It looks like there's a beach ball under my dress. 
Signs of labor: I've had a little bit of light cramping the past week and a half and mentioned it to my Dr this morning. But she assured me that I'm not going into labor yet!
Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery and packing our hospital bag!


  1. I think you look great!!!!

    Love You and keep up the good work.

    We are almost there dear.

    I am so happy to be a Poppy!!

    That's Poppy, not POOPY!!

  2. Awww you're so sweet! Love you too and I know Abby will love her Poppy!
