Wednesday, May 22, 2013

15 Weeks

Baby is the size of: an orange.
How I'm feeling: FINALLY getting some energy back! I think others are noticing because a few people have told me that I "look and sound better" in the last couple days.
Sleeping: It takes a little longer to get comfortable but I've been sleeping better through the night. Still napping pretty regularly during the day.
Craving: I've been pretty lucky in this department because I haven't really been craving anything. Every once in a while I'll be in the mood for something but I wouldn't call it a craving.
Missing: Sushi! I know Anthony has wanted sushi for dinner for a few weeks now but rarely brings it up because he knows I can't eat it. He finally broke down last night and asked if it would be ok if he ate some. Of course I said it was ok but it made me realize how much I miss it.
Maternity clothes: I barely fit in most of my old clothes. I have a few loose shirts and pairs of shorts that I bought in a bigger size so I've been sticking to those items. I still only have a few pieces of maternity clothes but I wore my maternity jeans for the first time last week and they're a lot more comfortable than I thought they would be. I also ordered a couple things online last night. I'm hoping they get here before we leave for Baltimore next week.
Wedding ring: Still fits!
Movement: Nothing yet. Waiting patiently!
Showing: Still depends on what I'm wearing.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Best moment this week: Getting a pedicure with one of my best friends, Kristen, at one of the Disney hotels! Anyone who knows me, knows that I love Disney just about as much as the average 8 year old. We spent the day walking around Downtown Disney and then she surprised me by taking me to the Senses Spa at the Grand Floridian. It was a really nice, relaxing day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

14 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a lemon.
How I'm feeling: A little bummed about our family dog being really sick but I'm otherwise feeling pretty good. No more nausea but still waiting for some energy to return.
Sleeping: Bought some new pillows from Ikea and I'm sleeping sooooooooo much better! I guess I wasn't sleeping because I wasn't really comfortable. I still take a little nap everyday though  :)
Craving: I REALLY wanted a cherry coke the other day but I wouldn't say that I'm craving anything right now.
Missing: Sleeping on my stomach.
Maternity clothes: I'm sad to say that these red jeans are the last pair of pants that actually fit and they're not even that comfortable anymore. I bought 2 pairs of maternity pants but I haven't worn them yet. I feel a little funny wearing them!
Wedding ring: Still fits.
Movement: Nothing yet. 
Showing: You can definitely see a bump when my stomach is bare but when I have a shirt on it's a little harder to tell if I'm pregnant or just carrying a little extra weight.
Signs of labor: Nope.
Looking forward to: Meeting my friend Kristen in Orlando this weekend. I haven't seen her since Christmas!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

13 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a peach.
How I'm feeling: Still really tired but looking forward to the second trimester which is supposed to be the "easiest trimester." I'm hoping to get some energy back soon!
Sleeping: Taking lots of naps! They last anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours!
Craving: Cucumbers (Weird!)
Missing: Being able to stay out late. 
Maternity clothes: I bought one more maternity shirt because it was on sale! Otherwise, still wearing regular clothes.
Wedding ring: Still fits.
Movement: Not yet.
Showing: Depends on what I'm wearing. Sometimes I look pregnant, sometimes I look like I ate a big lunch!
Signs of labor: Let's hope this doesn't happen for a long time.
Best moment this week: Carter (my 3-year old nephew) brought me one of the mini donuts he was eating and then a couple minutes later brought me a second one and told me it was "for the baby!" Isn't he the cutest? Spending time with him and his sister Sydney make me even more excited about becoming a mom.

Friday, May 3, 2013

12 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a plum
How I'm feeling: Overall I'm feeling pretty good. Happy that the nausea I was experiencing is gone but I'm still really tired all the time.
Sleeping: Not too well at night so I take a nap almost everyday.
Craving: Italian food, especially spaghetti.
Missing: Feta cheese!
Maternity clothes: I bought this black maternity shirt so I can take a picture of me in it every week. Otherwise I'm just wearing my normal clothes. Most of my skinny jeans and tighter shirts are uncomfortable so I'm sticking to the looser items in my closet.
Wedding ring: Still fits! Hopefully I won't have to take it off at all!
Movement: Haven't felt anything yet.
Showing: Just a little bit of a belly.
Signs of labor: Obviously not yet!
Looking forward to: My next appointment on May 8th!

We're Expecting!

I'm thrilled to announce that by the end of the year we'll be a family of 3! I decided to start this blog for 2 reasons. First, I want to remember everything! Second, I have LOTS of family in other states who won't be around for the pregnancy and I want them to feel like they're a part of everything that will be going on. My parents have two beautiful grandchildren (courtesy of my brother) but my mother-in-law and father-in-law will be first-time grandparents and my sisters-in-law will be first-time aunties!

I hope you enjoy!

This is the 8 week ultrasound of Baby Kniffin!