Thursday, October 24, 2013

37 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a winter melon.
How I'm feeling: Last week at my appointment my doctor told me that my blood pressure was too high and my feet and ankles were too swollen. They brought me to another room where they could monitor the baby's heartbeat and movement. Everything came back normal and my blood pressure started to drop to a more normal level. But since that day, I've had to change a few things about my daily routine. I've tried really hard to stay off my feet which some days means that I have to lay on the couch for hours until my feet get back to a normal size (I'm sure this sounds amazing to most people but it gets REALLY boring!) I try to take my blood pressure every day and it seems to be returning to a more normal level. Starting next week, I have to visit the doctor twice a week so she can keep an eye on my blood pressure. I still consider myself really lucky because I've had a relatively easy pregnancy and other than the inconvenience of swollen feet and heartburn, I feel pretty good!  
Sleeping: Pretty much the same as last week. I sleep better than I have been the past few months except on the nights I have heartburn.
Craving: Sweets, like always.
Missing: Being able to do whatever I want instead of having to take it easy. 
Maternity clothes: Although it makes it easier to get dressed everyday because I don't have as many choices, it will be nice when I can fit in my old clothes again. I know that's not going to happen as soon as the baby gets here but a girl can dream!
Wedding ring: My hands aren't as swollen as my feet but I still can't get my ring on.
Movement: I read that movement seems to slow down a little at this point in pregnancy because the baby is running out of room. But that hasn't been the case for me. I still feel her move just as much as I did before.
Showing: Yes!
Signs of labor: My doctor said I'm still completely closed but that she's getting lower. I have a little bit of cramping every few days but nothing regular.
Best moment this week: Spending time with my family always makes me happy! This past weekend, my sister, my mom and I took Carter and Sydney to Zoo Boo. I love watching how happy the kids are and it makes me really excited to think about how I'm going to have my own little one soon! I can't wait to watch her grow up!

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