Thursday, October 17, 2013

36 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a honeydew.
How I'm feeling: When does the heartburn go away?! I haven't had heartburn since I gave up eating red meat which was almost 2 years ago. But a few weeks ago, it came back with a vengeance! Ugh! 
Sleeping: Oddly enough, I've been sleeping better this past week. Except, of course, on the nights I have heartburn!
Craving: Sweets! I could eat chocolate and baked goods all day long! But like I said before, I've always had a sweet tooth.
Missing: Not having heartburn!
Maternity clothes: Getting bored with my maternity clothes even though they're sooo comfy. Can't wait to wear regular clothes again.
Wedding ring: I don't even try to put it on anymore!
Movement: She's moving so much that sometimes it gets to be a little painful.
Showing: Haha! This is just funny at this point!
Signs of labor: I went to the doctor today and found out that she's "head down" but my cervix is still fully closed. I've had a little bit of cramping the past few days but my doctor said it's most likely gonna be at least a few weeks before I go into labor.
Looking forward to: Amanda's son Jaxon is due in 7 days! Maybe by this time next week I'll get to meet him! I can't wait! Also, Chad's sister went into labor last night! Her son should be here by the end of the day! So many babies being born! And........ my two year wedding anniversary is Tuesday! I can't believe Anthony and I have been married for two years. Time is flying by!

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