Wednesday, September 25, 2013

33 Weeks

*Go Rays!*

Baby is the size of: a durian fruit (huh?).
How I'm feeling: Still dealing with the swollen feet but that's my only complaint. I know a lot of women are over being pregnant by this point in their pregnancy but I guess I'm pretty lucky because I still feel great!
Sleeping: Better than the past few weeks but not great.
Craving: Still craving anything pumpkin flavored! I've been holding off on making pumpkin cookies because I'm afraid I'll eat the whole batch!
Missing: Being able to buy shoes! I tried on a pair of boots that were on sale but of course I couldn't zip them up because my cankles were in the way!
Maternity clothes: These are my new $7 shorts! They're a little big but super comfy!
Wedding ring: I hate that it doesn't fit my finger anymore. I hope I don't have to get it resized after the baby is born!
Movement: I can feel her move all the time! But I especially love when Anthony gets to feel her move. He talks to her every night before bed and she must be able to recognize the sound of his voice because she REALLY starts to move when he's talking to her!
Showing: Yes!
Signs of labor: No.
Best moment this week: Putting in my two weeks at work! Part of me doesn't want to stop working because I'm afraid I'll be bored and I hate the thought of not contributing financially, but it's getting harder to be at work. I'm usually on my feet for 5-6 hours straight and by the time I get home my back is killing me and my feet are even more swollen! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

32 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a squash.
How I'm feeling: My only complaint right now (other than no sleep) is that my feet are sooooooo swollen! Check out my cankles and pudgy feet! You can see the imprint of the sandals I had just taken off.
Sleeping: Ugh! I don't even want to talk about it!
Craving: Milkshakes and smoothies! My blender is getting a workout this week.
Missing: My shoes fitting! I can pretty much only wear sandals and even those are getting tight.
Maternity clothes: I got a new pair of shorts but only because they were $7 and this black dress which was on clearance too.
Wedding ring: I put it on Saturday and it got really stuck! Judging by how swollen my feet are I should probably just stop attempting to wear my wedding ring.
Movement: I saw an elbow or a foot or something move across my stomach a few mornings ago! It was by far the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
Showing: Oh yes! It looks like there's a beach ball under my dress. 
Signs of labor: I've had a little bit of light cramping the past week and a half and mentioned it to my Dr this morning. But she assured me that I'm not going into labor yet!
Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery and packing our hospital bag!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

3D/4D Ultrasound

Pictures from the ultrasound:
She didn't want her picture taken! :)

There's my little girl!

Still not wanting to move her arm out of the way.

Does it look like she's pouting? 


Instead of having the traditional baby shower, we decided to have a BaByQ! Here are a few pictures from the day!

31 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a pineapple.
How I'm feeling: It's starting to feel real! After doing the 3D/4D ultrasound and the hospital tour last week I'm beginning to really feel like the end is near. I'm nervous but sooooooo excited to meet our little girl!
Sleeping: It's so hard to get comfortable! She moves around so much when I'm trying to fall asleep and it makes me feel like I'm squishing her. 
Craving: Pumpkin flavored everything! I had some pumpkin pancakes the other day and I've been thinking about them for the past few days.
Missing: Nothing, other than being able to fall asleep.
Maternity clothes: I really want to find a couple inexpensive dresses that can go from hot weather to cooler weather. Even though it will probably still be 80+ degrees in November!
Wedding ring: I haven't tried to put it on my finger the past few days, I just wear it around my neck.
Movement: So much movement! 
Showing: I think my belly is getting bigger by the hour!
Signs of labor: Not yet. Just a little cramping.
Best moment this week: There were so many amazing moments this week. I loved getting to see her cute little face when we did the ultrasound. I'm also really glad we did the hospital tour because it made me feel a little more prepared. Amanda's baby shower was also this past weekend. I'm so lucky that she's going through this at the same time I am. I don't know what I would do if I was doing this alone.

Friday, September 6, 2013

30 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a cucumber.
How I'm feeling: I'm feeling great! Had lots of energy this week! (You can't tell by this picture though, I look VERY sleepy!)
Sleeping: It still takes a while for me to get comfortable but I haven't been waking up in the middle of the night as much.
Craving: Still craving sweets but nothing crazy.
Missing: Nothing!
Maternity clothes: Getting kind of bored with all my maternity clothes but I don't feel like spending money on clothes this late in my pregnancy.
Wedding ring: Still fits some days and doesn't fit other days.
Movement: She's starting to move around a lot more during the day. I think I'll miss feeling her move when this is all over.
Showing: Definitely!
Signs of labor: Nothing yet!
Looking forward to: There's lots to look forward to this week! We're doing a 3D/4D ultrasound, touring the hospital, and Amanda's baby shower is this weekend!