Friday, November 1, 2013

38 Weeks

Baby is the size of: a pumpkin (how appropriate!)
How I'm feeling: Well..... I went in Monday for another non-stress test. Although my blood pressure was still kind of high, the baby's heartbeat and movement was normal so they sent me home. I went in for my regular appointment on Thursday and again my blood pressure was too high. Also, my feet and face were very swollen and I had gained 4 pounds in a single week from being so swollen (both of these are signs of preeclampsia.) My doctor wasn't comfortable with all of this so she decided it would be safest to induce me next Tuesday. At first I was very unhappy about this because I really wanted to go into labor on my own. After talking about it with some friends and family I decided that it was best for both me and the baby to be induced. Today, someone called to tell me that there wasn't an open spot for me on Tuesday as of right now so I have to wait to see if someone else goes into labor this weekend which would open a spot for me. I'm a little annoyed because I just got comfortable with the thought of being induced on Tuesday and now that might not happen. It's possible that they set up my induction for another day next week but there's no guarantee that my doctor will be the one to deliver her. I know that everything happens for a reason and that it will all be ok. I guess we're just waiting now.....
Sleeping: The heartburn hasn't been so bad this week so I've been sleeping a little better.
Craving: Sweets, duh!
Missing: Wearing shoes.
Maternity clothes: I'm getting really bored with the 5 or 6 outfits that are actually comfortable.
Wedding ring: Doesn't fit.
Movement: Still lots of movement!
Showing: You could say that!
Signs of labor: Still "fully closed" which means she probably isn't coming on her own any time soon.
Best moment this week: Meeting Amanda's son Jaxon! He was born on Tuesday and he's soooooo cute! Seeing one of my best friends with her newborn baby makes me even more excited about becoming a mom!